Special Coverage: Youth And The Marijuana Industry

Special Coverage: Youth And The Marijuana Industry




A closer look at young people working in the booming marijuana industry, and  how they navigate the grey market where growing, selling and possessing weed can be both legal and illegal.


Trimmigrants: Young People and the Underground Marijuana Harvest  [airing soon on NPR’s All Things Considered] The story of young adults working in the underground marijuana industry, and how these “trimmigrants” come from around the world in hopes of making big money getting marijuana buds ready for market.

7 Things You Should Know About Trimming Weed For $$$ A quick break down of all the reasons a large number of young, overwhelmingly white marijuana trimmers come to Northern California. making up an unexpected migrant farm worker community of trimmigrants.

infographic_teenpotThe Numbers: Youth And Weed [Infographic] A roundup of data on youth marijuana use and its legal repercussions.

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Additional Resources: 

weed-leaf-potACLU Report: Racial Disparities in Sentencing:  The ACLU finds that Caucasians and African-Americans use marijuana at comparable rates in  the United States, but that blacks are nearly four times as likely to be arrested for possession.

A study from Humboldt State University: College Students Working In The Marijuana Industry


weed-leaf-potThe Huffington Post compiled FBI data into an infographic comparing arrest for violent crime versus marijuana possession.

weed-leaf-potMarijuana in the States 2012: Shenandoah University report examining marijuana arrest and usage data.


weed-leaf-potFBI’s Crime In The United States:  A report comparing 2011 crime stats across the county, which finds there were over 12,000 drug abuse arrests for children under 18 in CA that year.

weed-leaf-potThe State of Legal Marijuana Markets, 2nd Edition: An industry trade group report by Arcview Market Research looking at the legal marijuana economy in the US.    return to top 


Meet the reporters: Olivia Cueva has been running around with audio equipment since she was 14-years-old. She got her start in journalism with Youth Radio, traveled the country recording stories with StoryCorps, and is now a student at KALW’s Audio Academy in San Francisco. Her work has been featured on NPR, KPFA, KQED, and KALW. She is a Bay Area native passionate about giving people the tools to tell their own stories.

Series Production Credits: 

Reporting/ Radio Producers: Brett Myers,  Olivia Cueva
Online: Ike Sriskandarajah, Noah Nelson, Denise Tejada, Robyn Gee
Photo/Video: Chaz Hubbard,  Luis Flores, Jenny Bolario
Engineers: Brandon McFarland, James Rowlands
Interactive/ Social Media: Asha Richardson
Infographics: Teresa Chin
Communications: Ashleigh Kenny, Rosa Terrazas
Senior Editors: Nishat Kurwa, Lissa Soep
Managing Editor: Rebecca Martin
Executive Producer: Ellin O’Leary

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