When you’re like me, a teen with anxiety, it’s a good idea to try to avoid your stressors. But when your stressor is school… things get more complicated.
I remember in preschool it was bring your own toy day to school. I was really excited and I had it all planned out. I was going to bring my green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. When the teacher asked the class to get our toy out, I immediately opened my backpack and started searching. It turned out, I forgot it at home.
I felt my body getting warm and I had a weird feeling in my stomach that I couldn’t describe. I just knew it wasn’t a good feeling. That was the first time I felt anxiety.
I’m in high school now, and everyday is a battle. And some days it’s hard not to give up. Like the time I was so afraid of failing my World Civics final, I skipped the test completely.
It’s been really hard living with anxiety, and I’ve realized it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. As I’m getting ready for Junior year I’m determined to not let it rule me.