Global COVID Reporting Project Highlights YR Media

Global COVID Reporting Project Highlights YR Media

Two stories by YR Media journalists have been accepted by World Teenage Reporting Project > COVID-19.

The project is challenging teenage journalists worldwide to tell the untold stories of how their peers are helping during the pandemic.

The stories accepted from YR Media are an account by Matthew Jason of Houston about how his family has converted kippahs (the traditional Jewish cap) into masks for the city’s homeless and an interview with Avi Schiffmann, creator of the go-to virus tracker that has now gone viral, edited by Liz Trill. Senior video producers Michelle Klug and Chaz Hubbard provided editorial oversight for the stories.

“YR Media did a fantastic job synthesizing these accomplishments in short, well-conceived and edited videos,” said Dr. Aralynn McMane, director at Global Youth & News Media. “The stories fit the theme of the project perfectly: to show that the stereotype of teenagers these days as a problem is way off the mark.”

“It’s been amazing to see our young video journalists around the country showing up to seek out these stories of people trying to make a difference during the COVID pandemic,” said Michelle Klug, senior video producer at YR Media. “In our newsroom, our youth teams have been working hard to get these videos out fast and with accuracy and the journalism excellence that is needed in this unprecedented time in history,” added Chaz Hubbard, who co-leads YR Media’s video department.

These videos join the three dozen videos, podcasts and articles that have been selected so far. They are highlighted as part of the second showcase of such stories, which was released on May 20th.

The World Teenage Reporting Project>COVID-19 is organized by Global Youth & News Media, which honors and helps news media strengthen engagement with young people in ways that also reinforce the role of journalism in society.

The project remains open until at least 4 June to teenage journalists in other organizations that wish to submit their work. 


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