Time In JAIL

Time In JAIL

By Justin

I was 14 my first time going to jail. I went to jail for robbery. I was very mad. They took me downtown to the police station. I was there for 3 hours. I was very tired and sleepy because I was partying with the squad all night before I got arrested. I got arrested with some of my friends. At the station the police was trying to get us to tell on each other and who did what when we robbed them but we wasn’t saying anything and the police was mad. They put us in handcuffs and took us to Alameda Juvenile Hall. We came up in there and they searched us to see if we had anything on us. Then they took our finger prints. They also took head shoots of us then they took us to get dressed in jail clothes and put our regular clothes in this big blue bag. They let me call my mom. She was very sad that I was up in there and she told me to keep my head up and she hope I learn my lesson and she was gonna come visit me on my visiting day. Then I went to go see the nurse then they took me to Unit 1.When I got in my unit it was 2 am in the morning. I went to my room and went to sleep .The next day I woke up very mad. We ate nasty breakfast then went to school in the hall. After school my attorney called me to talk to her and tell what happened. She told me who my judge was and when I was gonna have court. I found out that I had Judge k and I heard he was very mean and I thought I was go be sitting in jail for a minute then she should told me my other friends took the case to trial and I should too so I did. When we went to court I saw my friends and Judge k told us we all had to do 1 month and 2 weeks. After he sentenced us to our time I stopped being mad because I thought of it like I was gonna get out one day and judge k gave me two straight thru phone calls. That mean when I called them they didn’t have to have money on their phone. I called my cousin and she told me everybody miss me and the squad and they was talking about “free us” and “keep your head up” all over Facebook. I told her I lover and her and I’m coming home soon. Then I called my mom and talk to her for a minute and she also told me to keep my head up. Then I went to my room for the rest of the night.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhen my release day came I was very happy. I was back at the crib chillin eating real food, taking longer then 5 minute showers, sleeping in a comfortable bed, smelling fresh air. Only thing was I was on GPS for 2 months but I’ve been on probation for 3 years now because I ended up going back two more times but I’m staying out of trouble know trying to get on the right path and I don’t plan on going back. But I advise people to do the right thing and stay out of trouble because jail is not were it is at.

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