We’ll explain it all
Yes, we’re journalism nerds and we love our news #nofilter — but Instagram’s features make for some awesome storytelling. It’s our go-to spot to post original illustrations, animations, GIFS and videos. If you love the stories we do for NPR and Teen Vogue, you’ll also love our @youthradio Insta feed.
You’ll laugh!
News doesn’t have to make you cry. It can also make you laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. We’re pretty sure that’s called fact-checking these days.
Our “Did You Know?” explainers
Look, we don’t all have PhDs in politics/technology/arts/culture/wokeness or whatever. So let our talented young video reporters explain stuff to you. You’ll get smarter and be entertained at the same time.
You get to be a Youth Radio insider
Want to see visual content you won’t find anywhere else? We’ll take you behind the scenes on some of our biggest stories, and show you what projects are in the works. Plus, Instagram is where we post our video content FIRST.
Our content is pretty AF
Seriously, we have some talented young folks here who create amazing art and have an eye for fashion.