What a show is all I can say. Beats Rhymes and Life hosted an amazing showcase, everyone was so full of energy and I loved it. The name of the show was “All Eyes On We” which was the perfect name for it because they had the crowd’s full attention. The host had the show smacking all night, and they incorporated the audience in the show which made the night exciting. The performers were live, they had the crowd jumping out of their seats. The songs they performed where very relatable and catchy and you could tell the artists had really put their hearts into their music and were really enthusiastic about performing.One of my favorite songs was “Flexin”, it definitely had me out of my seat. I thought it was really nice that they had an awards section of the show. It is really great that they publicly acknowledged the young people who participated in the show and programs. I know that really gives youth a feeling of acceptance and success. The theater BRL held the showcase in was beautiful; it was the Brava Theater in San Francisco. I am really looking forward to the next performance and maybe seeing Youth Radio and BRL collaborate one day.