‘black-ish’ Recap: No Social Life Is ‘Depressing’ Pitfall of Distance Learning

Juggling school work on your own time during a pandemic can be hard, at least that’s how the Johnson twins feel in the latest episode of ABC’s “black-ish.”
Wednesday night’s episode began with pre-pandemic times until a call from Jack (Miles Brown) and Diane’s (Marsai Martin) school notifying them that for the rest of the academic year, in-person classes would be canceled due to COVID-19. Not only are they forced to do remote learning from their living room table, but their father Andre (Anthony Anderson) has to juggle work and homeschooling.
Andre believes he’s found the perfect balance between taking care of the children, going to work virtually and maintaining the household. That is until he gets a call from the school to find out that Diane and Jack haven’t submitted any assignments all week long.
“I want to learn and I want to do a good job, it’s just impossible,” Diane said.
Jack agreed, adding he misses his social life.
“And I haven’t seen any of my friends, forever. It’s all so depressing,” he said.
While Junior (Marcus Scribner) doesn’t have to worry about school, he reveals that he’s in love with his girlfriend, Olivia (Katlyn Nochol).
Andre also struggles with working from home, and feeling irritable and anxious with everything that’s going on.
“The scariest part is we don’t know when this is going to end,” Andre said. “How am I supposed to help the kids with their homework and make sure they’re eating their vegetables and get my work done and keep this house running?”
He realizes it’s not possible to keep everything the way it used to be prior to the pandemic and has to figure it out the best way possible.