Mistah F.A.B.: A Beautiful Contradiction


F.A.B. talks about his origins, what Oakland means to him, and cultural differences. He shines light on the pros and cons of his hometown, including his one-word description of Oakland as a contradiction. He gives a detailed remembrance of a conversation he and E-40 had during his come-up as an artist. He discusses a possible solution for the gentrification going on in the city that he terms “reintrification.” F.A.B. continues to grow and inspire, moving his Dope Era storefront to the heart of Uptown and publishing a new book titled D.O.P.E. E.R.A: During Oppression People Evolve and With Growth Everyone Rises Above.

You can purchase F.A.B.’s new book D.O.P.E. E.R.A on Amazon now. 

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