Remix Your Life: Weekly Recap

Remix Your Life: Weekly Recap









Tuesday, Remix Your Life dissected comfort as the topic of the week. We showed the Remixers “Mary Jane,” by Scarface. After which we free wrote and developed our student-made weekly prompts to use for the rest of the week. Wednesday, we introduced Remix to personification: giving human-like qualities to an object, body part, idea, etc. Thursday, we challenged Remix to take it from the page to the stage to work on owning their performance space.  As a performer, owning your space shows confidence as well as the ability to act out your art, creating an experience for your audience. Someone who stays in one spot during an upbeat song isn’t owning the space. Someone who stays in one spot on the stage as they sing a heartfelt slow song, can, in some ways own the space; the decision is case by case. We took the Remixers through their pieces and provided some direction. Performing for newer participants is still nerve racking, but they tried their best and still received the tools to do better. They saw the tips being used effectively and took note. We see constant improvement in consistent participants; last week was full of improvement. To end a great week in Remix Your Life, we were given the opportunity to perform at the Oakland Indie Awards! This experience created an opportunity for the professional artist development of our Remixers; it tested them and showed growth in their artistic development outside of their talent. We experienced technical difficulty after difficulty and they shined through and managed to put on a great show.


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