Remix Your Life: Weekly Recap

Remix Your Life: Weekly Recap


Tuesday, Remix Your Life focused on betrayal as the topic of the week. “Teardrops & Closed Caskets” by Tupac Shakur and the Outlaws was the basis for our student-made weekly prompts. Remix had a more relaxed time this Wednesday, as it was a week of high school Graduations, we free-wrote and had a good time discussing each other’s pieces. Thursday, we were sparse and had more time to focus on specific pieces and more intensely. This session gave us an idea for better performance workshops and they will be implemented in the near future. In this Thursday’s session two performers got to workshop their art. With a little work, one singer was able to convey heartbreak in a more theatrical way. And a Hip-Hop artist was able to find deeper meaning in her lyrics with outside perspective. To cap the week off, there was no event, so we prepared for future events. We went around Oakland and promoted “Bites and Beats” and our upcoming Poetry Night on June the 19th. A relaxed week in Remix Your Life.


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