Song of the Week: SEEF EC

Song of the Week: SEEF EC


“Rapp Lyrics”

by Seef EC


“Rapp Lyrics feat. Shy’An G.” is SEEF’s way of spreading positivity through dope lyrics. The MF Doom instrumental gave him the inspiration to inspire others with the same positivity. He wants you to walk away happy and with the knowledge that music can still be positive and good. He says “hopefully it will inspire them to be more positive.” SEEF EC is a Hip-Hop artist. Which means a lyrical enthusiast and a culture harborer. His main influences reflect such values: the ever chill MF Doom, mind altering Ab-Soul, and freestyle king, Eminem. SEEF aims to write his message in the most creative way he can. He doesn’t want his audience to get used to him, but to walk away with a clear perception of his message and come back to witness a new side/a new character. “Find Rapp Lyrics” and more on Sound Cloud. His first project is in the works. Nearly done…

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