Open Letter to the Person Who Saved My Life

Open Letter to the Person Who Saved My Life (Photo: Getty Images)

One day about a year and a half ago, you asked if I was okay. I wasn’t. At that time, I would read online that “it gets better,” but I never believed it. I thought that I didn’t matter and had nothing to offer the world. But when you asked if I was okay, a part of me started to question those beliefs. I thought: “Maybe someone does care about me.”

When my depression was at its worst, I would sometimes wake up wishing I hadn’t. But then something in the back of my mind, something very small but nevertheless still there, told me to talk to you. In 30 minutes, you had debunked all the lies my depression was feeding me.

For a while, you were the only person I felt comfortable telling anything to, good or bad. You taught me the value of opening up to those around me, and you strengthened my relationships with others. You gave me a safe space where I could talk about anything and everything. You showed me that people do care about me, that I am cherished by those around me.

I can now say that I am in love with life. I’ve got plans and dreams for the future: to become the next best journalist and travel around the world (even though you think it’s lame that Italy is my top choice). Now when we talk, most of the time I’m ranting about 80s films, telling you about what parties I’m going to or simply being able to say that I am happy. 

I’m so glad that about a year and a half ago, I listened to that little voice inside of me. Even though getting better was hard, not only was it possible — it was so, so worth it.

And I wouldn’t have been able to feel like this if it weren’t for you.

Throughout the month of September, YR Media has been sharing stories that move #BeyondSelfCare and frame a new conversation about mental health. You can find the stories here and join us on social. 

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