During the month of February, Youth Radio’s Health & Wellness Interns, hosted events to help bring attention to teen dating violence in their community as part of a national effort. According to Break the Cycle, nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year and only 33% of teens in abusive relationships told someone else about the abuse. Youth Radio’s work during the month of February has been recognized by the Alameda County Public Health Department as part of the county-wide efforts to bring attention to this issue in order to educate communities about what can be done to prevent, advocate for and help young people affected by abusive and unhealthy relationships.
Youth Radio’s Health and Wellness Interns hosted the following events:
- On February 5th, Youth Radio’s Health & Wellness interns facilitated a healthy relationship workshop with all new Youth Radio students in our CORE and MATCH classes.
- On February 12th, Youth Radio participated in the National Wear Orange Day.
- On February 21st, Youth Radio’s Remix Your Life program and the Health & Wellness Department hosted Let’s Rhyme About Love, a healthy relationship-themed showcase.
Additionally, Youth Radio’s Health & Wellness Interns wanted to promote messages about love and healthy relationships, not just share statistics about those affected by abusive and unhealthy relationships. Each of the interns in the Youth Radio’s Health & Wellness Department defined love and turned their definition into Memes (seen below).
- Youth Radio staff and students participated on National Wear Orange Day
- Youth Radio staff and students participated on National Wear Orange Day
- Youth Radio interns defined the word love
- Youth Radio interns defined the word love
- Youth Radio interns defined the word love
- Youth Radio interns defined the word love
- Youth Radio interns defined the word love
- Youth Radio interns defined the word love
- Youth Radio interns defined the word love
For more information visit on Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month visit teenDVmonth.org or breakthecycle.org.
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