This is My Self-Care Routine — What’s Yours?

This is My Self-Care Routine — What’s Yours? (Photo: Kira auf der Heide/Unsplash)

After two Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors died in apparent suicides in the same week, young people are talking about resilience and self-care, #MySelfCareRoutine.  

In a series of tweets, Parkland survivor-turned-activist David Hogg sparked the conversation. 

Hogg urged politicians to spend money on school mental health services instead of arming teachers. 

People across the country are adding their own #MySelfCareRoutine posts, sharing how they cope when things get tough. 

When it comes to my self-care routine, I like focusing on things that make me feel productive. Things like cleaning my room, going to the gym or practicing a forgotten hobby make me feel better. By doing something to improve myself, I can channel my stress into something positive.

Sometimes, you have to pause and ask yourself if you’re okay. If the answer is no, here are some suggestions people on Twitter are sharing. 

If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.

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