If you’re reading this, it probably means that you’re almost 21. Congrats! You’ve made it this far and you’re probably wondering, what’s next? Don’t worry, I’ve come up with a list of possibilities you may encounter as you step into your 21st year and hopefully by the time you’re done reading you’ll have less anxiety.
You start getting asked “adult” questions
Are you married? Do you have kids? You might take offense to these questions at first, but don’t worry, it’s only because you’re at an age where people are starting to do those things — not because you look old.
You may start to feel like people are surpassing you
At 21, most people are just graduating college and starting their careers. Just because someone “looks” like they have it all together doesn’t means that you don’t. You are progressing at your own rate.
You will start to care more about finances
Once you get a taste of the real world, you’ll probably start to see how quickly bills add up. Learning how to budget and save will become your first priority.
You’ll start to live life with more intention
If you hadn’t already learned this before, the older you get the more you become aware of how fragile life is. You will question and evaluate your relationships, your career aspirations, and what you can do currently to create the life you want for yourself. You will be more intentional about what you invite into your life.
You wait for any chance to get carded
Just because you’re legal, you can’t wait to show your ID.
You’ll start to understand the adults in your life more
Adulting does not come with a rule book. If there’s an adult in your life that has disappointed you or has not met the expectations of an adult in your mind, you might start to see things from their point of view as you gain more life experience.
You might start to feel old
You’re no longer a teenager and you’re about to graduate. This can be scary, but just remember that you’re closer to 19 than you are to 30. You still have time. Don’t waste your youth worrying about that.
Drama becomes less entertaining
The older you get, drama becomes less entertaining and more of a burden. Some might say that being an adult involved in drama is a sign of misery. Don’t be that person! Adulting can already be stressful. Don’t add to your stress by being problematic.
This guest post is in partnership with the True Star Media