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Graduating High School Without My Senior Year Milestones

Graduating High School Without My Senior Year Milestones (Photo courtesy of Rym-Maya Kherbache)

I wanted my senior year to end with a bang — go to Grad Night, prom and of course, graduation. But instead, I’m stuck at home because of COVID-19.  

I was looking forward to my last semester of high school. Up until recently, my parents didn’t allow me to attend school events. I went to my first school dance just a few months ago. I couldn’t wait for upcoming senior traditions and the memories I would make.

I remember on the last day of freshman year, after the bell rang, I rushed outside to see seniors hugging each other and exclaiming, “I can’t believe we’re graduating!” I’m sad that I won’t get to experience that same joy with my friends. 

All I wanted this year was closure, for the four years I’ve spent in high school. An opportunity to say goodbye to the people who meant a lot to me — my friends and my teachers, who gave me confidence after a difficult start. But instead, I’m stuck at home imagining what could have been the last few months of my senior year.

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