The holidays are here and I’m glad to be able to celebrate another year with my family. Looking back, I realize I haven’t always been grateful.
I haven’t always appreciated my family. I would get annoyed by them. And I wished my life was more luxurious. I wanted the most stylish clothes and hairstyles. I wanted a bigger flat screen TV and better furniture.
It wasn’t until I went over to a friend’s house that my mindset changed. The family had dirty beds. They had soiled furniture. There were stains all over the carpet and garbage on the floor. I saw roaches scurrying up the walls.
When I got home, I realized I didn’t know how good I had it. I saw that I do have a clean bed to sleep in, a stable home and a safe environment. I became grateful for my home and my family.
This holiday season, I’ll be sure to enjoy every moment with my relatives. Instead of worrying about material things, I’m conscious of being grateful because spending time with my family is the biggest luxury.