For most of my time in high school, I’ve lived at a group home and just recently transitioned to living on my own.
While I’m excited to have a place all to myself, I’m quite anxious about this new change.
For the past several years of my life, everything was decided for me. During my time in a group home, I had to follow a strict schedule. I had an 8pm curfew and had to check in with staff members frequently throughout the day.
Without all the rules, I’m really aware of the responsibilities that come with living on my own. Now, I prepare meals, shop for house goods, and keep my place looking fit.
This experience has forced me to grow up faster. It’s been a journey to get where I am and find subsidized housing in the Bay Area.
While I’m physically living on my own, I know I’m not literally alone. I have a support system of adults that often check in with me to make sure I’m doing well. It’s a process, but I’m working on adapting to my new surroundings.