My life has become a balancing act. I’m a full-time student and I work two jobs, one of which is a graveyard shift. But I never realized how working overnight would take its toll on me.
After a full day of going to class and working at my day job, I’m ready to collapse in bed. But before I can close my eyes, my alarm clock goes off, and it’s time to get ready for my graveyard shift.
I work the front desk of a hotel from 11 pm to 7 am. While this shift is only once a week, it’s enough to disrupt my sleep schedule and social life.
I knock out as soon as I get home from work. So when my friends call me to hang out, I’m often saying no because I’m too tired to go. I’ve even missed a doctor’s appointment because I overslept.
I live in San Francisco, one of the most expensive cities in the world. A lot of desperate residents go to the extreme to live here.
Under different circumstances, my main focus would be finishing college. Instead, I’m struggling to afford this city.
As of this week, the author no longer works this graveyard shift.