Dear Friends,
For 25 years, Youth Radio has served as a training ground and connector for young people who are creating the next big thing — across radio airwaves and media outlets, on emerging music channels, and through social and civic action.
Our award-winning journalism and arts content is driven by our team of young creators. Their fresh perspectives have put us ahead of many trends over the years. At a time when freedom of expression is more important than ever, we’re following their lead once again: this time, by transforming from a largely distribution-focused model to a reinvestment in our own platform and growing community.
Today, we are evolving from Youth Radio to YR Media, a new brand, website and national network for young people to lead conversations, to create art and to change the world.
We see YR as a bold new future: a platform owned and operated by young people, creating content and dialogue with (and for) their peers. We are also staying true to our roots in Oakland; maintaining our gold-standard media education and professional mentorship programs while developing a strong network of young journalists and artists around the country.
Over the next several months, you’ll be hearing a lot more from our growing team of creators. On this site, you’ll find daily news and arts coverage, national features on emerging artists and youth-driven movements, documentary content, original music, a new podcast, and much more.
We are, once again, deeply inspired by the perspective and voices of this generation, and we’re excited to share the new YR with you. Take some time to explore the platform, our new creative content, and our recent pieces on politics, identity, and rising artists. Please help us grow our community by sharing music or an inspiring story with a young person in your life.
Ellin O’Leary
President & Chief Content Officer