Youth Radio Wins 2015 Gracie Award

Youth Radio Wins 2015 Gracie Award

Youth Radio Wins 2015 Gracie Award
Organization Recognized for News Feature on Campus Sexual Assault

On Wednesday, March 4, Youth Radio was awarded a 2015 Gracie Award from the Alliance for Women In Media Foundation (AWMF) for a story that explores an under-reported aspect of campus sexual assault: the conversation between parents and their children. “As Kids Head To Campus, Parents Broach The Subject Of Sexual Assault” takes a look at how parents are–and are not–talking with their children about assault and consent.

Aired August 19, 2014 on All Things Considered as part of National Public Radio’s special series looking into campus sexual assault, the story, reported by Youth Radio’s Sayre Quevedo, features interviews with young people and their family members about how they address sexual assault and related topics, ranging from trust and intimacy with partners to reporting instances of abuse.

This story was honored for the category of Public/Non-Commercial Outstanding Soft News Feature for the Gracie Awards, which “recognize exemplary programming created for women, by women and about women in all facets of media and entertainment.”

Youth Radio is proud to be included in the list of highly esteemed 2015 awardees. “This is a huge honor for Youth Radio,” Youth Radio Managing Editor Rebecca Martin said. “It was really important to our newsroom to be part of the national conversation on campus sexual assault and provide a unique youth perspective. This story is a great example of that commitment.”

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