YR Media Presents: RYL Live at Bandcamp

YR Media Presents: RYL Live at Bandcamp

For those of you who may not know, Remix Your Life (or RYL for short) is the music production, distribution and artist development department of YR Media. RYL artists learn the ins and outs of the music industry. The program focuses on a range of skills, from music business and marketing, to music production and audio engineering.

Remix Your Life (RYL) recently partnered with Bandcamp to host a benefit concert at the new Bandcamp headquarters in downtown Oakland. “RYL Live at Bandcamp” will feature live performances from our artists, original songs composed, written, recorded and mixed by RYL artists. Show up and show out on Thursday, August 22nd and see what RYL has to offer live at Bandcamp!

Hope to see you there,

Yared Gebru
Arts & Culture Journalism Producer

Click here to buy tickets.

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