Your City Can Be A Forage City!
At first, it was just an idea. Youth Radio’s App Lab wanted to make an app that invited users to share backyard fruit with neighbors and non-profits. Then we realized there are lots of other food “bounties” out there—healthy, free produce that is going to waste everyday. The fruits and vegetables that don’t sell at a farmer’s market. Food trucks’ leftover baguettes. The beets or cabbages that come in Community Supported Agriculture boxes and don’t get eaten. We wanted to create an app that delivered all that goodness to people who could use it, which is how we came up with our tagline: Uniting the Citizens of Leftover Nation.
After releasing Forage City Beta at a Code for Oakland hackathon, we had an aha moment, which led us to launch foragecity.com. Rather than just publish a single app, we decided to release a pluckable platform. That’s what you’ll find at foragecity.com: everything you need to create your own Forage City, in your own community. Forage City is all about making healthy food accessible. We’ve done everything in our power to make the app itself accessible. Now, we want to share our learning process, too, plus all our digital assets, the friends and resources we’ve picked up along the way, our thoughts on how the app could get even better, and of course, our code.
Visit ForageCity.com for all of this and more!