The numbers associated with the Parkland, Florida school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are heartbreaking.
17. The number of deaths so far.
19. The age of the shooter, a former student who was expelled for disciplinary reasons.
18. The number of school shootings so far in 2018, even though it’s only mid-February.
The massacre occurred shortly before the end of the school day. The shooter reportedly pulled the fire alarm in order to try to draw students out of their classrooms. After he began firing, the school went on lockdown, with some students and teachers barricading themselves in classrooms and others running for cover. The shooter had an AR-15 rifle and “countless” magazines of ammunition, according to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. The shooter was apprehended by police officers shortly after 3 p.m., and will face 17 counts of premeditated murder.
Students took to social media and texted their families while the school remained on lockdown. Those images and videos quickly spread. Warning: the second video contains graphic audio, including the sound of screaming and gunshots.
My school is being shot up and I am locked inside. I’m fucking scared right now. pic.twitter.com/mjiEmPvGNb
— Aidan Minoff (@TheCaptainAidan) February 14, 2018
I couldn’t imagine being in these students position. #stonemanshooting pic.twitter.com/gmJnYQgnPO
— Jordan Ryan (@JordanRyan52) February 15, 2018
These are the chilling messages I received from my sister. She is safe. Thank you everyone #prayforDouglas #MarjoryStonemanDouglas @browardsheriff @browardschools pic.twitter.com/E3PZo2i2Is
— Kaitlin❄️?? (@kcarboccixo) February 14, 2018
texts i never thought i’d have to send. today was absolutely surreal. #stonemanshooting pic.twitter.com/toetpxLQmv
— sara! (@phirecrackers) February 15, 2018
Student reporter David Hogg at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School spoke with his classmates while hiding from the deadly shooting: “I wanted to be a junior NRA member … now I can’t even fathom the idea of a gun in my house.” https://t.co/X550dpgA88 pic.twitter.com/T7s1uEieOk
— ABC News (@ABC) February 15, 2018
Students and adults alike expressed sadness, fatigue, and anger at the frequent occurrence of school shootings in the U.S. today.
I truly still cannot believe what i went through today. It’s one thing to feel sad about it when you see it trending, but for this to happen IN MY CLASSROOM is so traumatizing. #parkland #stonemandouglas
— Morgan Williams (@morganw_44) February 14, 2018
I envy reporters who only covered an out-of-the-blue mass shooting once upon a time. I’m 23, at a community paper & #Stoneman is my third.
— Lulu Ramadan (@luluramadan) February 15, 2018
Powerful plea from a student who survived the Parkland shooting, David Hogg: “Please! We are children. You guys are, like…the adults. Take action, work together, come over your politics, and get something done.” pic.twitter.com/UcTNungORp
— Vera Bergengruen (@VeraMBergen) February 15, 2018