A lot of my friends say, “Jobs are more important than fighting ” yet they are unemployed and always fighting. They say, “I want to go to college ” but are quick to cut class and drop out. It seems like some of my friends have their priorities mixed up.
Trying to reach our goals has been a topic of many conversations in my social network. But once we are done talking, it seems like only a handful of us are stepping up to the plate.
I have an advantage. I’m used to motivating myself because my family never tried to. I went from having a 1.67 GPA in seventh grade to a 4.0 in eighth grade, all on my own. Now, I’m working on getting in shape for the summer. I’m starting small by running three miles, twice a week.
My best friend is not even taking baby steps to reach her goal. She says she wants a job, but she is not filling out applications or even getting out of bed.
I don’t know what to say to motivate my friends, but hopefully I will be proof that their goals are not hard to accomplish.