Dress For Success

Dress For Success (FlickrCC/M01299 )


If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready, that’s why I believe getting dressed is the most important part of the day.

I woke up at 4:30am to pick out my clothes.  I knew I had a chemistry lab; after school I had my job at Youth Radio; and I knew that it was going to be extremely hot.  OK, I need an outfit. I didn’t want to show any skin because I knew I had to deal with harsh chemicals in lab; and I wanted to cover up to be professional for work. But it was going to be in the 80s– so I didn’t want to be totally covered.

Three hours later I ran out the door in black jeans, a blue blouse, my light-blue jean jacket, and my gray boots. At lunch my friend said, “You look cute, I like when you wear simple stuff.” But it’s not as simple as it seems.

In our society you’re judged by what you wear. And since that’s just the fact, I want to my looks  to tell the world, I’m ready for anything.

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