Growing Up Too Fast

Growing Up Too Fast

Waiting to grow-up

Growing up, I always thought adulthood would be the greatest thing on earth. Being a kid to me seemed like such a drag. But now that I’m older, I kinda wish time would slow down.

When my older sister was a senior in high school, she was allowed to go off campus for lunch. She would come back with incredible stories. Like driving around falling trees or getting food three cities away and making it back on time. I was so jealous. And I wanted nothing more than to be her age.

Now I’m the senior, and the perks…are just a reminder that I need to get my life together soon. These are the last high school teachers I’ll ever have. And the embarrassing moments of the last four years now seem funny, and the funny moments seem even funnier.

College apps, SATs and exit exams are my top priorities and I feel like I can’t be as carefree.

The future excites me and I look forward to making new memories, but I’ve realized that these dumb childish moments all came together to form me. And maybe it doesn’t matter where we go, but what we did along the way.

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