My heart sinks whenever I’m asked on a scholarship application to list my extracurricular activities. Each time I fill it out, I feel as plain as a plate of boiled potatoes without cream or butter.
I spent my childhood running around playgrounds and sitting in front of the TV. Most people would say that I had a happy childhood, but to me, it was a waste.
My mom was satisfied with B’s on my report card, valued sleep over homework, and yelled at me for not spending time with friends.
Sometimes, I wish I was raised by a tiger mom – a parent that settles for nothing less than successful children who go to Ivy League schools, excel at music, and become lawyers and doctors.
But this style of parenting isn’t just about the end results. It’s about instilling a strong work ethic, a high standard of excellence, and a sense of self-confidence.
If I had spent six hours everyday practicing cello, maybe I’d be playing at Julliard now, instead of dreaming about it.
Tiger moms should be given more credit. After all, their children end up with roaring credentials.