I’m Republican but the People Have Spoken

I’m Republican but the People Have Spoken (President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and their families watch fireworks from stage after Biden's address to the nation from the Chase Center November 07, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware. (Photo: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images))

As a young voter I have often thought about my place in the world over the past year. First it was the pandemic, then questioning what it means to be a Republican. Working on campaigns since I was a child, I never thought the day would come where I would seriously consider closing the door on politics. It is a long story, but I was sucker-punched like so many others last year, and the combination of intense politics, the world gone mad and all the other things that go along with young adulthood, my health and well-being were on the line.

Now is a time where I find myself looking towards the future with hope, but also apprehension. 

A few months ago I would have never thought I would have thrown away my support of President Trump. Then, imagine being a Georgian, where I’m from. We had to endure another two months of elections, and blistering attacks from the president against our elected officials, not to mention the constant attack ads — I couldn’t watch “Family Guy” without being reminded every five minutes that David Perdue is a thief, Kelly Loeffler is corrupt, Jon Ossoff is a liar or Raphael Warnock is dangerous. Then the Capitol riots occurred. That entire day was a travesty and a stain on America and the principles she stands for. 

It surely can’t be a surprise that after all of this, I decided to no longer support Trump, while remaining a committed Republican and conservative.

On Facebook, I was attacked maliciously for this decision. I received threats, I was told that I have no character, I’m not a patriot. I was inundated with profanities, and many friendships that I had for years subsequently ended after a 100-word post where I stood up for the principles that I believed in. 

So here I am now, with less friends, but my faith in the democratic process remains strong. I didn’t vote for them, but one thing is clear to me: Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris are the rightfully elected president and vice president of the United States. I just hope they don’t give in to far-left principles and remain moderates. Because realistically, in this day and age, that’s the only way we’ll get things done. Republicans have work to do also to end the Trump era. As for me, I’m taking a break, at least until 2022, and my Facebook page calms down.

Right now, I don’t have a lot of confidence in the future but I know that will change, and I wish the Biden administration luck healing the wounds of our fractured country.

Will Carter is part of a collaboration between YR Media and WNYC’s Radio Rookies called 18-to-29 Now: Young America Speaks Up.

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