Keeping Friends While Changing Eating Habits

Keeping Friends While Changing Eating Habits

Recently my doctor scheduled a nutritionist appointment for me. At first, I was surprised at her suggestion. But after thinking about what I eat with my friends, it makes sense.

When  I’m out with my girls and we get hungry, we try to grab food that’s both satisfying and cost-efficient. We usually end up at Mcdonald’s.

I find it hard to  muster the courage to say, “No, I’m going to go home and eat a salad,” and resist my usual medium fries.

My friends tend not to dwell on what they consume. But every time I eat fast food, a sense of guilt hovers over me. I start to think about long term health effects. Diabetes runs in my family and that scares me.

But I don’t know if I can make different decisions by myself.  I’m worried if I change my habits, things will become awkward, socially. I’ll damper the mood or my friends will start to feel the same guilt that I do.

In the back of my mind, I know that the key to change involves practice. Now the challenge is convincing my friends to support me in practicing a new routine.

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