My Obsession with Justin Bieber

My Obsession with Justin Bieber

Justin BieberI know most of you don’t want to hear a fan-letter about teen heartthrob, Justin Bieber, but that’s not what this is about. This is about how, for better or worse, fandom changes you.

Currently, I’m scheming to meet Justin Bieber at his next concert by printing out VIP wristbands in every color, so that my friends and I are almost sure to get backstage. Being a super fan has taught me to be resourceful — and has allowed me to form connections with people from across the country and even in Europe.

I’m aware that liking Justin Bieber hasn’t been the “cool”  obsession since 8th grade, and I know it’s going to get even less acceptable as both Justin and I grow older. In a couple months he won’t even be a teenager anymore.

What if he loses the young vibe that makes him so appealing, and with it, his superstar status? Will it  have all been just a waste of time and money?

I think, being a Belieber has taught me life skills. On the plus side, if he does become irrelevant, I’ll get to spend my savings on something other than Justin Bieber tickets.

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