Possible Female Recruit Weighs Threats From Within The Military

Possible Female Recruit Weighs Threats From Within The Military

My cousin joined the military, and my uncles were so proud of him. But when I said that I wanted to join, they said no.

In elementary school a veteran came to visit our class, and spoke about the trauma of war. But what amazed me was how proud he was of his accomplishments. After he finished his speech I pictured myself in an army uniform. I wanted to feel heroic too.

But, last year when I told my family I wanted to enlist, they said,  “Being a woman in the military is a different set of risks.”  I was disappointed, but I tried to understand.  It’s not only whether I come home in one piece. My uncle asked, “What about the men in the army who are predators?”

After that, I started noticing news reports about  women getting raped in the military. Sometimes their officers didn’t even believe them. I always pictured the enemy being on the other side — not on our side. It’s frustrating and unfair.

I’m still considering enlisting, but I’m not willing to sacrifice my rights — risk becoming a victim when I should be making my family proud.

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