Trump’s Tweets Not ?, By Justina Sharp, Youth Radio
Youth Radio’s Justina Sharp knows her way around a social feed, and she says Trump’s Tweeting is not all that:
“Trump-ism’s spread across teen feeds like wildfire, but it wasn’t necessarily because we thought he was right…Many of us who retweeted Trump thought his posts were a joke, or we were making jokes ourselves. Myself included.”
Our Cynicism Will Not Build A Movement. Collaboration Will, By Alicia Garza, Mic
From Black Lives Matter founder Alicia Garza, a call for collaboration:
“If there was ever a time to activate our organizer super powers, this is it. I’m not going to argue that black people or other people of color need to stop holding white people accountable. White people are not going anywhere, but neither are we if we don’t start to think and do differently.”
How To Culture Jam A Populist In Four Easy Steps, By Andrés Miguel Rondón, Caracas Chronicles
From writer Andrés Miguel Rondón, four counter-intuitive pro tips to Americans drawn from his life under Huge Chávez in Venezuela:
“[B]y all means be patient with democracy and struggle relentlessly to free yourself from the shackles of the caricature the populists have drawn of you.”
9 Questions About The Global Refugee Crisis You Were Too Embarrassed To Ask, By Sarah Wilman, Vox
A refugee crisis explainer, just in time:
“Immigrants in general, and refugees in particular, are among the least statistically likely people in American society to commit crimes of any kind.”
How Trump’s Muslim Immigration Order Could Affect Higher Education, By Emily Deruy, The Atlantic
The values of higher education and the future of scholarship are at stake with Trump’s new immigration order, and international students are figuring out right now what it’ll mean:
“By allowing students of different cultures and religions to study with scholars in the U.S…. universities accomplish their educational mission of fostering open and lively discussion and teaching students about the world.”