The message to “go out and vote” is incredibly clear, particularly on #ElectionDay. But sometimes, that’s easier said than done.
Even though voting is one of the most basic civic duties, voters in several cities across the country are reporting problems at the polls today—from malfunctioning machines to long lines and mail-in ballots that never arrived.
Voting machine issues at Annistown are fixed but lines are still long — stretching down one hallway and around the corner toward exit doors pic.twitter.com/1yeJj5wcQG
— Amanda Coyne (@AmandaCCoyne) November 6, 2018
The precinct manager could not find my friend’s voter information but when she called the voter protection line they found it immediately. This is Powder Springs, GA ya’ll. WTF? #Vote #GeorgiaVote #VoterSuppression
— mpinkelton (@mpinkelton) November 6, 2018
Voter suppression comes in many forms. People requesting but not receiving their ballots by mail, power outages, faulty registrations, long lines, and running out of paper are just a handful of the ways that some would-be voters are getting frustrated and turning away from the polls.
I never got my ballot even though they sent it last Wednesday. Spoke with the Broward County Board of Elections this morning and they said it takes 8-10 business days to mail it out of state. This info was never made clear.
— Alyssa Klein (@dj_diabeatic) November 6, 2018
Atlanta: One of largest dem precincts at Ponce Library changed this morning. Turning away voters. We need help getting people to new precinct which is a 40 min walk away. #VoterSuppression #StaceyAbrams4GAgov pic.twitter.com/TchRLu0rVF
— Heather Tinguely (@heathertinguely) November 6, 2018
#votersuppression was alive and well in #Flatbush Brooklyn today. Hundreds of ballots, zero scanners working. We just started dumping our ballots in the emergency ballot slot. What are you doing about this @nysboe ? pic.twitter.com/a4kFZiuFqo
— KMuze (@kmuze) November 6, 2018
Thousands of voter registrations in majority African American Shelby County, Tennessee deemed “invalid” by the county’s election commission. https://t.co/8OmizLUZMh
— Let America Vote (@letamericavote) October 19, 2018
If anyone is having issues at a polling place, make sure to call election protection and file a ticket (not enough machines, discrimination, etc…) #wewillvote #atlanta @ajc @CityofAtlanta @staceyabrams pic.twitter.com/cdeq7ju4DA
— Rachel Thompson (@WorldByRachel) November 6, 2018
And we all know that time is of the essence as the polls start closing.
Turnout among 18-29 year olds, compared to 2014 early voting:
— Reid Wilson (@PoliticsReid) November 3, 2018
– AZ +217%
– FL +131%
– GA +415% (!!!)
– MI +128%
– NV +364%
– TN +767% (!!!)
– TX +448% (!!!)
Data h/t: @targetsmart & @tbonierhttps://t.co/58E7PHqobF
Voting Machine on Prudence Island experienced a technical difficulty this morning. A replacement unit is on the ferry and will be installed shortly. Ballots are secured and voting is continuing uninterrupted #ElectionDay
— RI Board of Elections (@RI_BOE) November 6, 2018
If you or someone you know is witnessing #VoterSuppression, call your local election protection hotline and tag us with your voting experience.