Thai Kitchen, good kitchen

Thai Kitchen, good kitchen

By Destiny

7782443808_a50bcb651d_zA few days ago, I went to a Thai food restaurant named Thai Kitchen in Union City. When I went there I tasted some surprisingly good food. The inside of the restaurant gives me a vintage vibe by the ancient  furniture, the old pictures sitting around the room, bamboo plants, and Buddhist statues sitting on the tables.  

As the appetizer we had their delicious spring rolls, fried rice, see-ew vegetables, garlic chicken and garlic shrimp, with thai tea. The spring rolls were very good although they came out very hot. The fried rice was pretty basic but it was good. The see-ew vegetables are sautéed rice noodles with your choice of meat, and egg, broccoli and soy sauce, I wasn’t really a fan. The garlic chicken was tender and was marinated in a sauce. The last thing we had was the garlic shrimp which was my favorite. Although the chicken and the shrimp were both garlic, the shrimp had more flavor. I also loved the thai iced tea.

I liked the service and the food was very well served. It was even better since there wasn’t really anybody in the restaurant with us.

I would recommend this place for families just for a casual dinner.

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