What I Learned By Working At An Early Age

What I Learned By Working At An Early Age

Goal Setting

I was 12 when I got my first job, looking after little kids at my church. Working young may seem like a big sacrifice, but for me it was a great opportunity.

My first day of work, we went over the schedule and I wasn’t really interested. I wasn’t used to taking orders, especially from my cousin, who was my supervisor. I was gone so much my friends became distant and I thought about quitting.

But after a week or two I began to take it seriously. I took on a leadership role — and I enjoyed it. I led the students in fun lessons. We decorated t-shirts. We staged a performance with gospel music. And we ended the summer with a big water fight.

From that point on, I knew I wanted to keep working. Now I’m 17, and I see how work has taught me how to motivate myself, to set goals and meet them.

I used to think I was missing out because I was the only one of my friends who worked. Now I see, it gave me a head start.

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