It’s hard to wrap our minds around, but this morning there was yet another mass shooting at a school: Santa Fe High School in Texas.
Students at Santa Fe participated in the anti-gun violence walkout just four weeks ago today.
@schoolwalkoutUS Santa Fe High School. Santa Fe, Texas. #NeverAgain We read a poem by a parkland survivor, handed out gun violence fact sheets and orange ribbon, did 17 minutes of silence, and then talked about ways to raise awareness for gun violence, and make your voice heard. pic.twitter.com/UiIwVVw75q
— ✨roger's girl✨ (@mukethemusical) April 20, 2018
This is a speech I wrote for our walkout that was held on April 20, the anniversary of columbine. I didn’t end up speaking, but these words are heavy on my mind right now. pic.twitter.com/fO1LM46Hdr
— ken (@kaleidoscopeken) May 18, 2018
The shooter has been identified as Dimitrios Pagourtzis, age 17, a junior at the school.
In the wake of the news breaking that there was an active shooter at Santa Fe, many students took to Twitter to express their feelings, ranging from shock to anger. Here’s a sample of what young people have been saying. (Warning: Some strong language.)
Santa Fe students
For everyone wondering, someone walked into my class today with a shot gun. I heard 2-3 shots and shit started flying at me. I can’t begin to explain the thoughts that we’re going through my head. I watched some girl shot dead right in front of me. Prayers to all the families.
— Zach? (@ZachMuehe) May 18, 2018
Never have I ever imagined I would have to run for my life…it’s all just heartbreaking. My prayers are going out to everyone who is going through this and for the family’s that won’t be having someone come home to them tonight.
— shelbs (@s_h_e_l_b_y_31) May 18, 2018
Doesn’t feel right to see the president talking about fatalities at my school. This shouldn’t be happening at all
— brooke bennett (@brookeelizabxth) May 18, 2018
The worst feeling ever is not knowing. Not knowing if your friends are ok. Not knowing if your teachers are ok. So Please keep all of Santa Fe in your thoughts and prayers as the names of the lives lost today start to emerge and continue to pray for the ones injured.
— Cait (@_caitlyn_6) May 18, 2018
someone on the news just said that this is what Santa Fe High Schools legacy will be. i reject that. i want our strength to be our legacy. not this. #SantaFeHighSchool
— jo (@joellalace) May 18, 2018
I’m so greatful and blessed that god spared me life today. Today I was shot in the back of the head but i am completely okay and stable.
— Romeshubert❄️ (@rome_shubert17) May 18, 2018
Interviewer: “Was there a part of you that was like, ‘This could not happen at my school?’”
Santa Fe High School student: “No. It’s been happening everywhere. I’ve always felt it would eventually happen here, too.”pic.twitter.com/MPxVScd3QE
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) May 18, 2018
I’m safe. I woke up late. Please let everyone be okay.
— ✨roger's girl✨ (@mukethemusical) May 18, 2018
i never knew anyone would be sick enough to walk to into a school and start shooting people. everyone please pray for my school and everyone involved.
— kaitt ? (@holcombekaitlyn) May 18, 2018
I cannot belive this is happening.
— tyler (@tylxrcruz) May 18, 2018
fuck everyone who is saying our shooting is fake. my classmates saw people get shot. my classmates got shot. we shouldn’t be living in a world like this. #SantaFeHighSchool
— gayveri (@averipresleyy) May 18, 2018
i attend santa fe high school. twice in the past 3 months i have been on lockdown for an active shooter. im tired of this constant fear
— peyton!! (@semisonics) May 18, 2018
everyone at school. I am with you. I am thinking about you. Please contact me if you need a ride later or anything.
— ken (@kaleidoscopeken) May 18, 2018
Fuck this man. It was just supposed to be another Friday. Seeing my school on the news for a fucking shooting isn’t okay.
— ?Katiebug? (@real_krw) May 18, 2018
pray for santa fe high school (my school). school shooting.
— -M- (@CreativityMary) May 18, 2018
Student tearfully recounts escaping deadly shooting at Texas high school.
“I shouldn’t be going through this. It’s my school. This is my daily life.” https://t.co/ja4ueWucO3 pic.twitter.com/OQMEIcNVu7
— ABC News (@ABC) May 18, 2018
mrs. Perkins was the one that pulled the fire alarm to alert everyone that there was a gun on campus. thank you mrs. Perkins, you saved so many lives. I promise you will never be forgotten. ever.
— B (@tubbbrandon) May 18, 2018
The news is making this so much worse, please give my school mates time to adjust and comprehend what is happening, before you shove a camera in their face and force them to answer your unnecessary questions. Stay strong everyone, you can get through this. #SantaFeHighSchool
— Thicc Boyz In Tha Hood (@Mr_Elderidge) May 18, 2018
Students who feel connected to Santa Fe
the shooting was 38 minutes away from my school omg
— oziel loves camila? (@sangriaboy) May 18, 2018
There was a school shooting 13 min from my school
— drannie (@drannieKV) May 18, 2018
School shooting in Texas has the same name as my school in Florida
— Zach (@Elavatr) May 18, 2018
30 minutes away from our school, a shooting has occurred.. on the same street.. after a national walkout to end this. #GunControl #SantaFe #MarchForOurLives
— ✨ m ✨ (@mary__xcx) May 18, 2018
Survivors of the Parkland and Great Mills shootings
To everyone at Santa Fe high school ,I hope youre safe, I’m so sorry this is happening, and I’m so sorry that it continues to https://t.co/zLRbrizYiD one should be in the situation that youre all currently in. Im not going to say thoughts and prayers but instead policy and action
— Sarah Chadwick (@Sarahchadwickk) May 18, 2018
My heart is so heavy for the students of Santa Fe High School. It’s an all too familiar feeling no one should have to experience. I am so sorry this epidemic touched your town – Parkland will stand with you now and forever. pic.twitter.com/ckVPxYi6qz
— Jaclyn Corin (@JaclynCorin) May 18, 2018
from douglas to sante fe we stand with you #santafestrong❤️❤️
— jordan:) (@jordxncampbell) May 18, 2018
I should be celebrating my last day of high school, but instead my heart is broken to hear of the tragedy at Santa Fe. We cannot let this continue to be the norm. We cannot.
— Delaney Tarr (@delaneytarr) May 18, 2018
Santa Fe High, you didn’t deserve this. You deserve peace all your lives, not just after a tombstone saying that is put over you. You deserve more than Thoughts and Prayers, and after supporting us by walking out we will be there to support you by raising up your voices.
— Emma González (@Emma4Change) May 18, 2018
Today is my last day of school at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high and I find out there’s been a shooting in Texas at Santa Fe high school. My heart aches for them. ?
— Kyra Parrow (@longlivekcx) May 18, 2018
There have only been 137 days of 2018. That’s about one school shooting every six days, and that doesn’t even count the countless acts of gun violence in communities everyday. This is an EPIDEMIC. We need a change. https://t.co/x5cCuXtNHX
— Brenna Levitan (@brenbizou) May 18, 2018
santa fe hs students, the entire great mills community is here for you ❤️, please please please reach out if you need to talk, my DMs are open #SantaFe
— jaxon // #NEVERAGAIN (@jaxonomara) May 18, 2018
We shouldn’t have to grow up in a country where there are 3 school shootings in one month. We shouldn’t have to go to school with the knowledge that we might not come home alive at the back of our minds. The Santa Fe kids deserve better. Every kid in this country deserves better.
— Mollie Davis #NEVERAGAIN (@davism0llie) May 18, 2018
Students living in a mass shooting culture
i remember when sandy hook happened. my dad sat me down and we had a long talk about it and what to do if it ever happened at my school. i was in 5th grade then, now i’m a sophomore in high school and all i hear is “another mass shooting today.”
— pey // 45 days (@pinkequality) May 18, 2018
i’m home because my school had a shooting threat and now this is happening…
— kevin || 58 (@arianascarey) May 18, 2018
Even if the numbers end up being down. These are not numbers being killed, these are real people. People with families and friends and futures. 1 person killed is enough. Everyone deserves to live.
— Zion Kelly (@zionkelly18) May 18, 2018
My heart is breaking for this brand new school shooting survivor just asked by a reporter, “Did you think ‘this could never happen at my school’?”
Her response: “No. It’s been happening everywhere. I always kind of thought it would happen here. I was scared, not surprised.”
— Ashley Schumacher (@AshleySchu) May 18, 2018