What to Do During an ICE Raid

What to Do During an ICE Raid (Photo: ep_jhu on flickr)

Last month, President Trump announced massive raids targeting undocumented families, leaving affected communities afraid and unsure about what to do.

Just before the raids were scheduled to begin in 10 cities, Trump put them on hold for two weeks. This isn’t the first time POTUS has threatened crackdowns like these. Earlier this year he said he would close the U.S – Mexico border if Mexico didn’t improve security there.

With San Francisco listed among the target cities, Mayor London Breed released a statement calling the administration’s actions “unconscionable” and vowing to “demonstrate our values of diversity and inclusiveness by being a sanctuary city that stands up for all our residents and neighbors.” California Governor Gavin Newsom urged people to “continue to send your kids to camp, summer school, know that you should feel confident going to work, we have your back.”


If you are unsure of your rights if ICE knocks on your door, the ACLU and Centro Legal say:

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