After being invited to give the State of the Union, then dis-invited from giving it, then re-invited, President Donald Trump is now set to speak to our nation a little later than expected, on Feb. 5.
But does anyone even watch the State of the Union? YR Media talked to D.C.-based college students from different political perspectives and campuses about what they think the state of our union really is — and who, if anyone right now, is most qualified to give the speech.
The State of the Union would have actually happened today, but that was before the government shutdown led Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to dis-invite Trump from giving the speech until the government re-opened. So when Trump announced on Friday that the government would re-open, Pelosi re-invited him, but for a slightly later date: Feb. 5.
Here’s what students thought about some of the will he or won’t he drama.

Joe Lazzari, 19, Catholic University (Class of 2021)
“The State of the Union is a good reminder that no matter how tough things are, it will all work out in the end.”
Have you ever watched the State of the Union (SOTU)? Yes.
Do you think Nancy Pelosi should have postponed the SOTU? No.
Presidents always say the “state of our union is strong.” Is that true this year? Even though 800,000 government workers were out of a job, it’s still not a majority of people. I still think there is good going on in the country. Not even just politicians, the economy is doing well … and the positives outweigh the negatives.
Who out of all the national political figures would you want to have addressed the nation? Although he isn’t alive, I would say Ronald Reagan. I think he was one of the best presidents we have ever had.
Lizzie Martinez, 18, Catholic University (Class of 2022)
“I think the state of the union is very divided, especially this year between the two parties.”
Have you ever watched the SOTU? No.
Do you think Nancy Pelosi should have postponed the SOTU? I do not think so. If this is something that happens yearly, there are things that happen every year that must be addressed.
Presidents always say the “state of our union is strong.” Is that true this year? What is the state of our union to you? I think the state of the union is very divided, especially this year between the two parties.
Who out of all the national political figures would you want to have addressed the nation? I would love to see Sonia Sotomayor deliver the State of the Union.

Nile Hodges, 21, Howard University (Class of 2019)
“I am fortunate enough to be at Howard where I do not have to deal with too much of the division. But I know out in the world, there is a stark division between people of different views.”
Have you ever watched the SOTU? I have not watched the State of the Union since President Obama left office. I haven’t been the most interested.
Presidents always say the “state of our union is strong.” Is that true this year? What is the state of our union to you? To be honest, I do not think the state of the union is strong. It is honestly very divided. I am fortunate enough to be at Howard where I do not have to deal with too much of the division.
Who out of all the national political figures would you want to have address the nation? I would listen to, of course, Barack Obama, but someone like Nancy Pelosi would be more intriguing than hearing what our current president has to say, in my opinion. She would provide us with what’s actually going on, versus what she wants it to be.

Crimson Duckett, 23, Georgetown University (Class of 2020)
“With President Trump being president, it’s hard for me to watch, because I think he isn’t serious about his position and I don’t agree with what he has to say.”
Have you ever watched the SOTU? Yes, the only ones I ever watched (were those given by) President Obama because he was an inspirational figure to me. Ultimately, I was inspired and a lot of the things he discussed were focused on change and that was empowering to me. With President Trump being president, it’s hard for me to watch, because I think he isn’t serious about his position and I don’t agree with what he has to say.
What do you think of the drama surrounding the State of the Union? I am disappointed.
Presidents always say the “state of our union is strong.” Is that true this year? What is the state of our union to you? The State of The Union to me is a message that keeps citizens informed. I do not think the current state of the union is strong and there is a lot of work that has to be done.
Who out of all the national political figures would you want to have address the nation? I would love to see President Obama give the State of the Union one last time. We are struggling under President Trump’s reign.

Joya Grillo, 21, Howard University (Class of 2019)
“I think President Trump should take accountability for the current state of our union.”
Have you ever watched the SOTU? Yes.
Who out of all the national political figures would you want to have addressed the nation? At the end of the day, Donald Trump is our president, and he is responsible for delivering this speech. Although I do not agree with what he has to say, I think it’s important that he is the one that addresses us because he is the one responsible for everything happening in the United States of America.