From code-switching to “hot-potato racism” with comedian W. Kamau Bell, co-host Nyge Turner leads an episode all about Black ISH — not to be confused with ABC’s “Black-ish” (but peep the interview we did with Junior last season)!
Hittin’ The Streets: Code-Switch Edition

Nyge and YR Media’s Clay Xavier hit the streets of downtown Oakland to hear what young black folks have to say about code-switching. Then co-host Merk Nguyen joins the fellas for a discussion on why the inability to code-switch can mean life and death.
Momma I Made It: Comedian W. Kamau Bell

If you’re black, on a bus and a white lady with an empty seat doesn’t offer up the spot for you…but does for another white person, what do you do? And why would you ever want to talk to the KKK? Nyge asks W. Kamau Bell about all this and Season 4 of his show on CNN, “United Shades of America.”