We Are Generation Z

We Are Generation Z

Gen Z is the generation that follows millennials-their oldest members are just going into college, and they have tons of buying power. In the billions. NPR’s Sonari Glinton and Youth Radio teamed up to take you inside Gen Z in a series we’re calling We Are Gen Z.

Together we’re exploring the economic power of Gen Z–from their bedroom closets to car showrooms–to see what sets them apart from their predecessors. What we find just might surprise you.

Hear the stories on NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered this week:

Gen Z Slang: The Lowdown on Memes, Emojis, GIFs

Robert Fisher explores with NPR’s Sonari Glinton how Gen Zers are redefining language and slang on their own terms.

Aired on NPR’s All Things Considered on Monday December 4, 2017.

Gen Z Fashion: From YouTube To Your Closet

Erica Louie, a YouTuber who goes by Miss Louie, left her corporate job to be a full time YouTube fashion vlogger.

Rhea Park looks at how YouTube is influencing the fashion industry.

Aired on NPR’s All Things Considered on Tuesday December 5, 2017.

Is Gen Z The First Carless Generation? Not So Fast, Say Automakers

Natalie Bettendorf examines just how Detroit automakers are adapting to Gen Z’s ridesharing habits.

Aired on NPR’s Morning Edition on Friday December 8, 2017.

Want more on Gen Z, and how this generation separates itself from the ones that came before it? Youth Radio has been serving up teenagers’ stories for the past 25 years. But what it means to be a teenager — you know, each generation’s music, slang, fashion, and technology — has changed a lot in that time.
We’ve dipped into our archives to bring you stories of teenage life across three generations: X, Y and Z. So grab some headphones and prepare yourself for a nostalgia-filled, interactive trip down memory lane. Check out our Gen XYZ interactive here
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