Another African American was killed. This time by a Charlotte, North Carolina police officer Betty Shelby. Officer Shelby turned herself in for fatally shooting an unarmed black man.
According to The Washington Post, 736 people have been shot and killed by police in 2016.
This is unacceptable. The government is supposed to be protecting us, but unarmed black men are still being killed by the police.
Something needs to be done. Even though we have had at least 100+ Black Lives Matter protests the cycle keeps repeating.
1. How are the images of police affecting how safe you feel in your neighborhood?
2. What do you know about the black lives matter movement?
3. How does your identity (race or gender) affect what you believe about Black Lives Matter?
4. What do you think need to happen in order for there to be changes?
5. What might the role of Asian Americans be in changing the experience of black people in America