You should always try to get what you want, even if it seems out of reach.
Two weeks ago, I was going to go to a Robb Banks concert in Downtown Oakland. I saw on one of the performers Snapchat that they needed photographers to shoot the show. I have never done professional photography before but I had taken a class junior year and also had my grandpa’s camera. I thought about reaching out to him to see if I could work something out. At first I was not going to as it was unlikely to happen, but eventually, I just thought why not. What’s the worst that could happen? Him telling me no? So I sent him a message saying I was a photographer. He didn’t respond for quite a while. Took so long that I gave up on it and was just gonna go to have fun. Eventually, he responded, saying that I could come through.
At first, I didn’t really believe it was happening until he called me. I was excited. I got there and I was able to get my name on the list so I didn’t even have to pay. When I got backstage it felt unreal. Here I was, a 16 year old with a camera hanging out with pretty famous rappers, one of whom had just signed with Birdman, the guy who helped Lil Wayne get famous. I was surprised that it even happened, I kept thinking what if I didn’t try to ask, how my night would go. It helped me realize that if an opportunity arises to do something I want to do and the consequences are minimal, I should try and do it no matter what. Many people, including myself, have avoided trying to do things because they are scared of the consequences and are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. It also helped me realize that learning certain skills, like photography, can get you some pretty cool things.