“The Sesh” is a hip-hop group rising out of the Bay Area. I interviewed my good friend Leevs, a Berkeley native and one of the main lyricists of The Sesh, here at Youth Radio. Check out their songs below to get a feel for the new wave they’re bringing to the Bay.
The interview has been edited for clarity.
JW: What motivates you to keep creating music?
LV: Music kinda taught me something about myself that I really didn’t know and unleashed an ability that I can use through out life. It’s a nice enjoyment thing to do when I have nothing else to do. Getting things done and It’s a peaceful mindset, like a meditation I’d say.
JW: What brought you into being part the culture of hip-hop?
LV: When I started skating I wasn’t really into music but as I got older and got more involved I was introduced to hip-hop and the whole culture and people speaking about their perspective of life. That was interesting to me and I enjoy that.
JW: Can you describe your music for someone who hasn’t heard it yet?
LV: I feel like my music is a bit different from what people hear nowadays. I like to keep myself different from other people because it’s a representation of me. My music is how I portray myself and how I say things.
JW: Do you have any main messages that you want to communicate through your music?
LV: My message would be, “Just do you. Create what you like, what best suits you, and don’t try to alter yourself for the likes of others because you’re really doing this for yourself.
JW: How do you envision your music inspiring those who listen to it?
LV: I don’t even know if my music inspires anybody, I just don’t want people to be afraid. If you wanna do something that you love just do it, no hesitation. Because you know, life is short and we’re young for a short period of time. So branch out and try new things that you want to do. That’s why I get with music.
JW: Can you describe the process behind creating your first album “Mania?”
LV: Yeah, me and my boy Nate were in summer school last year, just chilling in English class. Wasn’t really doing nothing, we got a notebook, started jotting some stuff down. Using just local beats, producers from out here, we asked them if we could use this to create something. Then we went to our friend Isaac’s house and recorded because he had a lot of equipment he hadn’t used yet. Shoutout to Isaac man, that’s our producer.
JW: Who can relate to your music?
LV: The typical skating stoners. Bruhs that just like going out and finding new music in the Bay Area, from local people, that’s who will connect to it the most.
JW: How does your music reflect your experience growing up in the Bay Area?
LV: My music is not the normal Bay Area type thing you would expect. The Bay is accepting of every part of who you are and there are so many different people out there. I’m just a part of it and I enjoy being able to be different.