Fresh Prince is a story about Will Smith’s fictional life. The show is about Will’s mom sending him away from a rough neighborhood, to go live with his wealthy Uncle Phil played by James Avery and Aunt Vivian played by Daphne Reid in Bel-Air. He often has fun at the expenses of his cousins carlton and hilary. Will plays himself in this family-featured comedy.
I like this show because I believe it is one of the best shows you could watch. This show is a classic, that is still shown today and it’s funny. The show has a 8. star rating on www.imbd.com. Carlton’s unique dance and Will Smith’s personality makes the show interesting and enjoyable to watch.
What do you know about the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
- What’s your opinion on the show? What do you like/dislike about it?
- Do you watch it? If so, how do you watch it?/Do you watch it with your family?
- What other shows would you compare it to?
- Why do you think it’s so popular today?