When I was 5, I was driving in the car with my Aunt Anita. She was singing the gospel song “His Eye Is On The Sparrow”.I started to sing along. And sort of had an epiphany. You know that feeling you get when you’re about to kiss someone; or when you finally fall in love…but with the wrong person. It is sort of like that. I think that’s part of the reason I would like to be an entertainer, to live that experience again in a way.
My parents are also musically inclined. So almost my whole childhood was my parents playing old, and older music. Everything from Marvin Gaye, to Kim Burrell, to Beyoncé and Odyssey. It’s kind of in my genes. I would watch The Voice and shows like that. Aside from that, I was told that school is first and also that the road is going to be REALLY hard. My role models, such as my Aunt and parents, along with grandparents and Beyoncé, have definitely had a big impact on what my preferences and desires are/have been. I have been exposed to genres like Pure R&B to things like Alternative R&B, which is probably why that is the genre I would like to pursue.
According to DigitalMusicNews.com 91% of all artist are completely undiscovered, while 0.2% are already mega stars. It’s hard to make it, SO I’M NEVER GONNA MAKE IT. Either that or it’s gonna take a while so i should start NOW. Growing up it got kind of hard due to my nervousness and development and all that. I would go to my mom’s gigs and she would be so sweaty and nervous. Sometimes i would catch her having a complete break down before and after a show. I have also had that experience. But I am still determined to pursue that dream. I guess I can get a Youtube vlog or whatever. Right?
No one makes it anywhere without hard work and Hanif wants to make it.