My best friend is everything to me, I never knew how close you can to a person so quick and end up caring for them so much.
How I found out Jade was my best friend was complicated. We met a while back at arts camp in Berkeley but we weren’t that close. We had some conversations here and there but they where never serious. Then one day when camp was ending, we hung out and had a couple stage scenes together. After that camp ended we didn’t hang out for a while, but we would call each other to go grab something to eat or to go get our nails done, or something simple that lasted about an hour or two.
At one point we just stopped hanging out until we met again at a high school basketball game. Jade was invited by one of my classmates. Instead of going with him she decided to hang out with me the rest of the night. After that game we started calling each other more often and were chilling every weekend. After a little while we just started hanging out every day, and decided to be best friends.
My best friend is really important to me, we do every thing together and every time I need her she’s there for me just as I’m there when she needs me. It feels good to know you have someone there for you regardless of anything that happens. I know she’s going to be there and I can trust her, trust for me is not easy, every one I meet has to earn my trust. And its really important to know you have someone you can trust and depend on. Even though she and I fight every day she’s still going to be my best friend regardless because she’s a really big part of my life and I love her.