Rise Up
As I was told by my friend, Brian, that Joey dropped a new song, I was pretty excited, to be honest. The first time I played “Land of the Free”, by Joey Badass although he refers mainly to his African American race, I felt empowered by the lyrics “I feel my ancestors inside of me, it’s like they want me to shoot my chance and change society”.
“Land of the Free” was dropped January 19, 2017, and it mainly addresses racism against African Americans. Racist AmeriKKKa with three K’s and two A’s as he mentions it in his song and many other songs. Joey also talks about how the system is full of trickery and has put people in prison. How our history has been hidden and there’s no liberty given. Which is so true nowadays. in just one verse, he sums up poverty and how the system is set up, and how we are not educated enough to get out of the poverty line. Lastly, he hits at how Donald Trump isn’t equipped to take over the country. All that he says in his song is true and relevant in these times we are going through.
Although the song can be seen as just “another rap song” by anyone who isn’t open minded and can be criticized for being written by an African American. The beat is powerful and ignites your emotions. Also, the message can easily be understood, that we have to educate ourselves so we can step up against Racist Amerikkka. Anyone who is against racism and loves a good rap song will enjoy this piece of art.
Listen to it if you’re politically involved or need the motivation to take a step forward.