All families are different, and they can change at any time without any warning signs. Sometimes something can happen and a parent, or family member could pass away. I have been through a death in my family, and it doesn’t exactly get better, but dealing with it gets easier.
When I was 5 years old my dad passed away. It happened a few days right after my birthday. It does affect me still almost 11 years later, but I was able to learn a lot from dealing with it. Dealing with this taught me how to interact with someone when they can’t physically be there with you. I still do things I used to do with my dad, or that I know he liked, to stay connected with him. We used to go to car shows together, and he inspired me to learn how to play the guitar, and we both really like dancing. Some of the experiences we used to do was we would go to car shows together, playing guitar, or we both really liked dance. I still do all three of these things to connect with him.
If you did lose a parent whether it was a little while ago or just recently you aren’t the only one. According to www.childrensgriefawarenessday.org one out of every five children have a parent pass away before they reach the age of 18. If this did or does happen to you there are many ways to deal with it. The best way for me was to find an outlet or a plug that makes me less sad or depressed about it. The best I found was something that both me and my father liked doing, this made it feel like he was still here so I was not upset. Another way to deal with it is to find someone you can really trust and talk to them about it. The best person to talk to if you lost a parent is your other parent. They will know what you are going through, because they are going through it too. Not only will you be helping yourself but by talking to your other parent you could be helping them too.
Sometimes things happen that really aren’t planned. Losing a parent of family member can be very difficult, but there are ways to deal with it. Having a way to connect with them without them being there is a good way to help you.