I learn many things at school. The teacher taught us about different jobs and mentioned Youth Radio. Before I didn’t know anything about Youth Radio. I never heard about it in the past. I asked her what is Youth Radio and she told me Youth Radio is where people train you to talk on radio and contains other training too. For example, they teach you to be a music producer and also to be a better photographer.
I was interested in it because I need an internship to graduate for high school. So, I asked my teacher can I apply for Youth Radio because I was really interested in it and she helped me to apply for it and now I attend Youth Radio. My first day in Youth Radio I felt so nervous because I didn’t know what I supposed to do. I came the next day and I learned about how to be a better photographer and how to write for the radio. Now I really like Youth Radio because I have a lot fun and learn a lot things. Also, people in Youth Radio are very nice and positive. I hope to come to Youth Radio again next year. I like everything about Youth Radio except the food sometimes because sometime they give cheese and I can’t eat cheese.
I like the multimedia track because we take pictures and put them on photoshop and we make the photo creative and it is very fun. I also like the Journalism track because I have to write a story and doing it. So, I improve my brain.
I would recommend Youth Radio to my friends so they can learn these skills too. Thank you